Monday, March 8, 2010

Post-Op Day 9

Mar 7, 2010
Ok I lied maybe this will be the last one. Vision is getting marginally better but still not where I want it to be..

I'd like to comment on a few things just incase you're reading this and trying to decide if you want to do PRK or lasik.

1. I have a very high tolerance for pain. From other people that know of others who have done PRK and reading online, there is a LOT of bitching about pain and itchiness and dryness in the first week. I did not have that feeling.

2. Mentally you have to just TRUST in that your vision is going to get better. At this point had I not read other blogs and other things, I'd be shitting my pants because I feel like this blurriness will never go away. Similarly I have gotten to the point where I can live my life with the current vision, albeit a lil painfully since I have to constantly rest my eyes or have difficulty reading things from afar.

3. I'm also so jealous at people who got LASIK done that I want to smack one in the head to see if the lil flap pops out. Seriously, LASIK people get their eyes cut, and whammo in 1 hr you're seeing 20/20 or better! PRK has definitely pushed my boundaries of patience to the limit =p. (i wasn't that patient to begin with)

4. I keep having to tell myself that this was better because it allows for future eye surgery if i ever needed it, or if I ever toppled over in a dune buggy or got smacked in the head with someone else's head.. etc. I'm pretty careless with my body when it comes to things like ATVing, dune buggying etc so not having that constant "omg is my flap gonna pop" is the only thing keeping me sane in these days of blurriness.

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