Monday, March 8, 2010

Post-Op Day 7

Mar 5, 2010
Frick... A lot of the same today as the past days.
I read some blogs where people said around day 7 their vision got much better, what a bunch of crap. My vision is slowly getting better and is still the worst at night. One thing I did notice was when I woke up I felt like I had scratched my cornea for a second. I think some eye crustiness caused it because after a second it disappeared.

Worked on the computer most of the day but noticed I had to take frequent breaks in order to stay focused. I did do the 30 min drive from my parents place back to my own. Which also is the first day i've driven since the surgery! I missed driving for sure....

I'm still not planning on driving at night since by the end of the day my vision deteriorates quite quickly.

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