Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Post-Op Day 2

Feb 28, 2010
I woke up this morning and things were pretty blurry, but to be expected. I was very sensitive to light and was CONSTANTLY straining my eyes. still on the 4x Vigamox, Flarex, 3x Xibrom. I forgot to mention in my previos posts I've also been taking 1000mg Vitamin C for the past week prior to surgery and continuing for the next 6 months. I highly suggest anyone getting this done to go to costco to buy the super huge bottle of vitamin C or be prepared to spend $$$.

Gf drove me down to her place in the morning and for the rest of the day I was on the couch watching olympics and passing out for hours after just 30 min or so of watching TV.

Reading things online was difficult at best and definitely not ideal.

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