Thursday, March 4, 2010

Post-Op Day 5

Mar 3, 2010
Woke up this morning with some slight haziness in the eyes which was a little disappointing considering what I read on other blogs. Most people seem to say around day 5 they wake up and it's like BAM clear vision.. Not so much for me, but maybe I notice the gradual improvements throughout the day where as people compare things from one day to another.

Anyways, I went to see Dr. Hyver today to get the protective contacts removed. I got to the office ontime and was really hoping that maybe the contacts were holding me back and when they took them off i'd be healed like a blind man in a southern church.

Surprisingly enough I did not actually meet Dr. Hyver at all today, instead another Optomitrist gave me the numbing drops for my eyes and then after a quick health check removed them with some weird tool. I've had a lot of contacts removed by eye doctors in the past, but none quite like this. It felt like removing a bandaid from your skin rather than the popping off of a contact.

Afterwards my eye felt a little dry and itchy. I asked what my current vision was and apparently it's around 20/60 but should improve over the next month. I'm also only on the Flarex now, so that reduces the number of drops I have to carry around.

Just as a quick FYI, 20/60 is pretty blurry in my opinion. I couldn't read the license plates of cars until they were almost 1/2 a car length away, and I still had a hard time reading the computer screen. I was able to keep the computer at arms length rather than up to my nose, which helps.

I was told by the Optometrist that my healing was going as planned and that there was really nothing I could do to speed things along. I could also expect to have good and bad days of vision between now and the end of the month.. =(

I did start working again today. When I work from home I mostly respond to emails and program, so that shouldn't be a problem for others.

My original plan was to take the 30 mile drive from my parents place back to my own tonight, but my vision in the later part of the evening deteriorated even more so i passed on that as well.

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