Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Post-Op Day 10

Mar 8, 2010

Vision is getting better but still not quite there. I still am on the 4x a day Flarex for anti inflammatory, but i'm not sure why. From what I've read online people are on steroids to help strengthen their eyes. I re-read the post-op procedure papers and am doing everything to the T so I'm guessing Dr. Hyver knows what he is doing.

First day back at work and man is it rough. I had to move my monitors way closer to my chair and had a hard time seeing small things on a screen.

Met more people that have had lasik done at work, most of them got it done through Dr. Hyver which is pretty amazing. That guy has been around for so friggin long!
Around 430 we had a presentation in our theatre and I could read anything on the screen so I ended up falling asleep during the meeting.. whoops =p

This is gonna be a lot tougher than I thought..

1 comment:

dbquigley said...

I am considering PRK and have much worse prescription (-10.5 each eye). I'm not a candidate for Lasik, but am curious how you're doing now and any thoughts on this procedure. I am very active and have been in glasses since 3 y/o and Rigid Gas Permeable lenses for the last 28 years.

DO you still have halo at night? would you do it again if you could turn back time?