Friday, March 18, 2011

Opening my heart to Android (maybe)

Congratulations google you finally got me.

Honeycomb is awesome.. Or is it?

I was sitting there on the bus today with my honeycomb'd nook color (HNC) going wow, I'd check my emails on this, read some news stories, check sport scores. Why have I never done this with my iPad? I've taken the ipad on the bus with me so many more times, even tethered it at times to watch basketball on my slingbox. But I've never sat down with it, read emails, opened up safari and hung out on facebook.

Maybe it's because to HNC is new and I'm still learning it, but I believe it is so much more. The iPad is great, for the past year on vacation I've watched movies, read magazines and played games. Only today I realized, I don't need iOS to do any of these things. The iPad to me has always been a giant iPhone, and maybe because I looked at it that way that I used it as such. So instead of reaching for my ipad I always reached for my iPhone. It's smaller just as fast and I get the same job done. Over the past month I've been hacking the beejeebus out of my iPad, trying to get more use out of it, adding more features, playing with all the settings. Today I realized what I was doing, in the same way I spent all those years sifting through smart phones wanting something MORE, I wanted something more from my iPad.

I don't want a giant iPhone. I want a tablet! Something that makes me differentiate one tool from another. The HNC gives that to me now (it's still not perfect). That being said, the ipad is much more refined and user friendly than the honeycomb interface. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone not technically inclined. But what this means for ME (being selfish here) is that when the next iPad does come around, unless apple decides to truly split up iOs for phone and ipad (not gonna happen) I probably will end up spending my $800+ on an Android Tablet.

1. Because I give enough money to apple every year

2. Because I want something unique that I will use everyday instead of just traveling

3. Because the iPad just isn't special enough for me.

4. Because everything I use the iPad for I can do with any other tablet (Android, webOs, RIM?!?!)

There.. I've said it..

This weekend i'm testing out an atrix 4g phone so we'll see if I can migrate my ass over to a gPhone too...

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