Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Post-Op : Day 1

Feb 27, 2010
I woke up this morning with some crusty feeling in my eyes, similar to the feeling of sleeping with your contacts. (which essentially I did). It isn't easy to sleep with the goggles at all since it's really difficult to sleep on your side. I was able to see and read fairly clearly, although a bit hazy. Again I was on the 4x a day Vigamox, Flarex, and 3x a day Xibrom .

I spent a lot of the day watching TV and even some of it on my computer, although my eyes would get tired fast, I was definitely trying to work them out and see what I could and could not see.

I think because of this I was dizzy a lot of the day, and had constant headaches from trying to focus my vision. I noticed that shifting my vision from short range to long range would definitely cause my headaches to increase.

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